APSS 2025 Planning Well Underway

With only around 160 days until APSS 2025, organisation of the 36th annual symposium is going extremely well. We have confirmed 11 world-class invited speakers to join us in Sydney next February, presenting on a diverse range of industry-related topics.

Free-Ranging Flock

Bird Flu: Must-Knows For Backyard Chicken Keepers (And Breeders)

Exhortations to prevent contact with wild birds to avoid avian influenza can be a source of anxiety for chicken keepers. It’s near-impossible to exclude all birds from even an enclosed run and locking up chickens comes with its own risks – overcrowding, stress and exposure to higher manure loads, to name a few.

University of Sydney Logo with Poultry Research Foundation.

A New Era for the Poultry Research Foundation

We have recently been given the green light to officially become a Research Centre within the University. The transition changes PRF from a Foundation deemed a fundraising body under Australian Consumer Law to a university research entity aligned with the poultry and allied industries. As a result, PRF will retain its name as well as the Industry Council as an advisory body.

Portrait of Carria Xie holding a chick.

PhD Scholar – Carria Xie

Carria Xie is a first-year PhD candidate, using novel strategies to investigate how energy and amino acid levels affect broiler chicken performance in male and female birds.

APSS 2025 Banner

APSS 2025

The Australian Poultry Science Symposium is the premier
avian science conference in Australia, attracting delegates
from right across the country and around the world. This
year our conference will focus on an over- arching theme
of “Enhancing productivity through resilience.”

APSS 2024 Concludes with Record-Breaking Numbers

The Australian Poultry Science Symposium (APSS) 2024 wrapped up its program in February with a resounding success, marking a significant milestone for joint coordinators, Poultry Research Foundation – University of Sydney and WPSA – Australian Branch.

The Poultry Research Foundation Welcomes Poultry Veterinarian, Dr Jose Quinteros

Jose is focused on modernising the tools used to prevent infectious viral diseases, such as IBV, as the current prophylactic tools have not been updated in more than 30 years. He also aims to establish a poultry infectious diseases surveillance program to keep track of the constant challenges that arise with the emergence of new pathogens or pathogen variants.